NEW: Ashburton reading group for teens

Many libraries don’t have good reading groups aimed at children. Lots have writing groups and host all manner of activities, but forget to promote and encourage one of the main functions of libraries: reading. Ashburton library, as of this Saturday (18/05/13) will be holding a monthly meeting for people aged 11-19, where we will discuss a specific book. This Saturday, we will be discussing ‘Uglies’ by Scott Westerfeld.

ugliesIf you haven’t read the book, don’t worry! Come along anyway, and you can still have a look, and join in the discussion based on your first impressions of the book, etc. We will have copies of the book with us to have a look at, and you can suggest books for us to read in the future.

We will also be looking at the books we bought during the book pick at Waterstones – A group of teenagers went on a trip to Waterstones, where we selected new books for the library – and giving away copies of books from World Book Night.

We hope to see you there! The meeting is from 2.30-4.00pmish, and refreshments will be served.